Thursday, 31 October 2013

B2B Collaboration in UK |

What is Collaboration?
Collaboration is a working practice whereby individuals work together to a common purpose to achieve business benefit. Key features of collaboration tools are:

Synchronous collaboration such as online meetings and instant messaging
Asynchronous collaboration such as shared workspaces and annotations
Many organizations are also looking at Free-form Collaboration tools to improve collaboration and reduce the number of emails used for collaboration.

Our B2B Collaboration conceptual level involves:

Awareness – becoming part of a working entity with a shared purpose
Motivation - We drive to gain consensus in problem solving or development
Self-synchronization - We decide as individuals when things need to happen
Participation - We participate in collaboration and we expect others to participate
Mediation - We negotiate and we collaborate together and find a middle point
Reciprocity - We share and we expect sharing in return through reciprocity
Reflection - We think and we consider alternatives
Engagement - We proactively engage rather than wait and see

Collaboration relies on openness and knowledge sharing but also some level of focus and accountability on the part of the business organization. Governance should be established addressing the creation and closing of team workspaces with assignment of responsibility for capturing the emergent results of the collaborative effort for preservation in the repository.

Many organizations see value in using Web 2.0 tools or social software within their organizations for improved collaboration and innovation, and this is then often referred to as Enterprise 2.0. AIIM defines Enterprise 2.0 as a system of web-based technologies that provide rapid and agile collaboration, information sharing, emergence and integration capabilities in the extended enterprise.

Social software for an enterprise must according to Andrew McAfee, Associate Professor, Harvard Business School have the following functionality to work well:

Search: allow users to search for other users or content
Links: group similar users or content together
Authoring: include blogs and wikis
Tags: allow users to tag content
Extensions: recommendations of users or content based on profile
Signals: allow people to subscribe to users or content with RSS feeds

In B2B collaboration life cycle we recommend that the process must be easy to use and not impose any rigid structure for users. The roll-out should be informal, but on a common platform to enable future collaboration between areas. He also recommends strong and visible managerial support to achieve this.

B2B collaboration, business 2 business collaboration, business to business collaboration, business 2 business collaboration in uk, business to business collaboration in uk,

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